Level Up and Twitchtv Presents Subscription Perks!
We’ve teamed up with Twitchtv to provide premium perks to fans who subscribe to our channel! The subscription is completely voluntary and there are no limitations on quality, features, or service if you don’t participate. This is simply a way for fans to enjoy our streams with extra cool features while supporting fighting game community events.
Check out the details from our friends at Twitchtv:
“As one of the premiere broadcasters within the fighting game community, Southern California-based Level|Up Series is highly regarded for their dedication to consistency and fantastic production. From major fighting game events such as their SoCal Regionals tournament series, to Wednesday Night Fights which is consistently one of most watched weekly fighting game programs on TwitchTV, Level|Up’s dedication to the community and their fans is undeniable.
Starting today, fans of Level|Up will have a whole new way to show support for one of their favorite broadcasters. TwitchTV is thrilled to be joining forces with Level|Up in offering premium subscription perks for their channel and beyond.
By supporting Level|Up Series at $2.99 per month, you’ll gain access to a number of subscriber-only perks.
– Exclusive subscriber-only emoticons (,
) with more to be added on a regular basis.
– Automatic entry into monthly subscriber-only giveaways and contests
– Opportunity to win Xbox Live online training sessions with Street Fighter legend, Alex Valle (determined by lottery of existing subscribers
– One-of-a-kind supporter badge appended to your username
This new venture does not limit the quality, features, and service you’ve come to expect from Level|Up. Everyone, including those who choose not to support Level|Up with a subscription, will still have full access to all video quality options, chat options, VODs and everything else Level|Up is known to offer. This is simply a way for fans of Level|Up Series to support one of their favorite broadcasters in a way that will allow them a greater opportunity to create even more impressive events and features than ever before.
For more information on Level|Up premium perks and to subscribe, head on over to their TwitchTV page at http://twitch.tv/leveluplive/. Don’t forget to tune in tonight, at 9PM PST, for the season finale of Wednesday Night Fights featuring some of the best Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 players in the country!” – Twitchtv
Stream URL:
This is bull. There has not been one giveaway. They lie to people to get subscriptions.